About Us

The Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians and the International Industry Exhibition together are the world’s largest event for hearing care professionals, which is held annually in Germany. The event is a cooperation project of EUHA (European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians) and BVHI (German Hearing Instruments Industry Association). EUHA is the host and organiser of the world’s largest international hearing care congress, and BVHI is the organiser of the industry exhibition.
The German Hearing Instruments Industry Association (www.bvhi.org) is the representative of hearing instruments manufacturers operating on the German market. It articulates the interests of its members and is the communication body for all topics related to hearing technology, hearing care and innovation. The association is committed to increasing the use of hearing instruments by people with hearing impairment and to educating people hard of hearing. It also promotes cooperation with all groups involved in the supply of hearing instruments. These include hearing care professionals, ENT doctors, health insurance companies, other associations and interest groups, as well as politics. The platform www.Ihr-hoergeraet.de, which is organised by the BHVI, provides neutral and fundamental information on all topics relating to good hearing, hearing impairment and hearing instruments. Not only those who are affected by a hearing loss, but also their relatives will find valuable information and up-to-date reports on latest innovations and hearing care topics. In addition to informative content, the platform also offers various online hearing tests as well as a search tool for hearing aid professionals and ENT doctors in Germany.
European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA)
The European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA), with a membership totalling some 700 people, is the oldest professional organisation of hearing aid acousticians in Europe.
Since 1960, the specialist association has been in charge of organising the International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians. The event is considered the industry’s most important specialist congress held worldwide and featuring two highlights: on the one hand, the wide-ranging, multifaceted, and high-profile programme of lectures given by renowned experts; on the other hand, the industry exhibition reflecting the current high state of the art as well as forward-looking innovations in hearing aid care and technology.
Bringing together all those who are professionally involved in hearing aid care, the EUHA serves as a platform for hearing aid acousticians, scientists, medical practitioners, and laymen with an interest in trade-specific issues who wish to take part in specialised further education and vocational training so as to deliver the best possible care to persons with impaired hearing. To this end, the EUHA provides a platform for, and acts as a quality-conscious partner to, persons engaging in rehabilitation. The EUHA’s goals also include cultivating community spirit, fostering a responsible professional attitude, and supporting its members’ professional honour laid down in the EUHA’s Code of Honour. While the EUHA is active in the specialist, scientific, and technological fields of the profession, the Federal Guild of Hearing Aid Acousticians (biha) represents hearing aid acousticians on a trade political level.
Hearing aid acousticians and scientists work together in the EUHA at national and international levels. A lively exchange of information to high professional standards ensures that members are always kept fully up to date about the latest developments in Germany and abroad.
Regional meetings, seminars, and regional conferences serve to provide practical information and deepen specialist knowledge. The exchange of information at international conventions also plays an important role.
Since 2010, the EUHA has presented the annual EUHA Sponsorship Awards to support young talent, and since 2014 the European Phoniatrics EUHA Hearing Award, awarded every two years to scientists active in the field of phoniatrics.
For further information visit www.euha.org
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